Let's just cut to the chase: Aereo's battle with broadcast TV hit the Supreme Court this week and it's one of the biggest entertainment-related court confrontations since the Betamax case in 1984. Confusion levels have been high, but Ben and Richard are your legal eagles and they break the situation down into its simplest terms. Time Warner Cable recently announced a potential money-saving alternative to cable box leasing, with its $99 set-top box that will stream cable TV and internet video. Netflix, on the other hand, has stated that it will raise its prices for new customers, although it's giving existing users a two-year grace period. There's a heap of HD news to run though this week, so you'll have to tune in to catch it all. Just head down to the streaming links below for this week's episode of the Engadget HD Podcast.
Hosts: Richard Lawler, Ben Drawbaugh
Producer: Jon Turi
Hear the podcast:
04:17 - Time Warner Cable will sell a $99 Fan TV box that streams cable TV and internet video
09:35 - Ahead of Supreme Court trial, Aereo opens lobbying and advocacy site
10:00 - What you need to know about Aereo's battle with broadcast television
20:04 - FCC sets up the 'incentive auction' that will lead to better wireless internet for everyone
25:29 - Netflix is going to raise prices for new customers, and come to US cable DVRs
37:55 - Arrested Development creator Mitch Hurwitz is working on a new series for Netflix
38:43 - Batter up: Chromecast now live streams every pitch with MLB.tv
39:30 - AllCast's screen-mirroring magic arrives on Amazon's Fire TV App Store
40:28 - Amazon Fire TV's voice search expands to cover Hulu Plus and Showtime, but not Netflix
42:45 - Titanfall pushes Xbox One sales to 5 million total, but it can't pass PlayStation
43:08 - Sony sold seven million PS4s already, beating its own predictions
47:32 - Don't wait for SportsCenter, SlingPlayer update brings the highlights in real-time
52:14 - Microsoft's new keyboard is meant to be used with Smart TVs
55:19 - Five bucks will let you stream Joss Whedon's latest movie early
57:19 - Behold the internet's power: Quentin Tarantino to rewrite movie ending after script leaks
59:43 - YouTube cat videos can finally play on most Roku devices
01:01:51 - Must See HDTV for the week of April 21st: Archer, 30 for 30 and Parks & Rec
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