Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Engadget HD Podcast 396 - 4.30.14

Net neutrality is still on the table for discussion this week and FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler even wants to hear your opinion on the situation. Ben and Richard share their two cents on the issue and continue to cover all the cozying up between companies including ISPs and content providers. Hulu, on the other hand, is exhibiting some self control and cracking down on international viewers who are sneaking a peek via VPNs. And those who haven't been streaming or watching TV at all lately may have missed Neil deGrasse Tyson's informative Cosmos reboot. But have no fear, if you prefer the offline experience of physical discs, it will soon be arriving to Blu-ray and DVD. If it's enlightenment you're after, then you've come to the right place. We've got all this and more on this week's episode of the Engadget HD Podcast!

Hosts: Richard Lawler, Ben Drawbaugh

Producer: Jon Turi

Hear the podcast:

02:22 - FCC Chairman Wheeler talks tough on defending net neutrality, broadband competition and paid peering deals

12:25 - FCC claims it hasn't abandoned net neutrality at all, opens a new inbox for comments

16:32 - Comcast proposes giving up 3.9 million customers to clinch its TWC merger

20:16 - Netflix gets specific about its battle with Comcast and opposition to the TWC merger

23:36 - Netflix pays to play with Verizon, too

30:01 - Netflix finally comes to cable boxes in the US, but probably not the one you have

34:02 - Hulu Plus adds phone and tablet remote control to PS3, PS4 and Xbox One apps

35:45 - Hulu attempts to block international viewers who use VPNs

41:43 - Samsung's giving you more to watch on that ridiculously expensive 4K TV

42:56 - Xbox Entertainment Studios has at least 12 projects in production, committed to half

44:25 - Amazon will add older HBO shows to Prime Instant Video, HBO Go to Fire TV

47:28 - 'Cosmos' brings Neil deGrasse Tyson's moustache to Blu-ray and DVD in June

50:52 - Must See HDTV for the week of April 29th: Daylight, Vikings

52:40 - The new Engadget: It's all about you... except when it's about us

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