Welcome to Feedback Loop, a weekly roundup of the most interesting discussions happening within the Engadget community. There's so much technology to talk about and so little time to enjoy it, but you have a lot of great ideas and opinions that need to be shared! Join us every Saturday as we highlight some of the most interesting discussions that happened during the past week.
This week, we speculate on what we want to see from E3, share our fond memories of our first MP3 players and talk about strategies for securing our passwords. Head past the break to join the conversation!
What do you want to see at E3?
E3 is right around the corner and Tim Seppala wants to know what you want to see from Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony? Given all the new hardware is out in the wild, the focus this year is likely going to be on games, games, games, games and possibly a bit of VR. So, what is on your gaming wish list?
What was your first MP3 player?
Do you remember CD's and cassette tapes? I shudder at the thought of that old fashioned technology. Thankfully, digital media players were invented and our mobile music habits have been changed ever since! Peterburk wants to know if you remember the time when you were able to free yourself from the shackles of physical media once and for all? Head over to the forums and tell us about your first MP3 player.
Do you use a password manager?
It seems like there's a new security breach at a different website every day. Besides being a huge inconvenience, all these leaked passwords floating around have given hackers better strategies for cracking our most precious passwords. Do you use a password manager to protect yourself?
That's all this week! Do you want to talk about your favorite gadget or have a burning question about technology? Register for an Engadget account today, visit the Engadget forums and start a new discussion!
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