Monday, April 14, 2014

Mozilla picks interim CEO as it tries to move past controversy

Previous CEO Brendan Eich lasted just 11 days as head of the Firefox company. He resigned last week amid political backlash; Eich contributed $1,000 to California's controversial Proposition 8, a bill that would've ended the legality of same-sex marriage in California. That bill was eventually struck down by the US Supreme Court, and last week Eich was similarly struck down by uproar to his financial contribution. As of today, Mozilla's appointing Chris Beard to its CEO position (as well as giving him a seat on the company's board). Beard's been with Mozilla for years, and the company says it was exploring the idea of adding him to the board for some time (regardless of recent news, in so many words). Executive chairwoman Mitchell Baker doesn't mention Eich or the reasons for his exit in her announcement. "In this time of transition there is no better person to lead us," Baker says of Beard.

Given Beard's position is "interim" CEO, it sounds like Mozilla's still on the hunt for a new leader. Let's go right ahead and put this out there now: any interested parties should be prepared for an especially thorough vetting process. Just a guess.

[Image credit: Greylock Partners]

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Source: Mozilla

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