Sunday, April 20, 2014 outage causes error messages on phones and TVs worldwide

Seeing an error message on your Samsung phone, tablet or Smart TV today? You're not alone, as the website appears to be down and owners worldwide have reported anything from error messages to being unable to access apps on their smart TVs. Reports have spread on Twitter, mostly from a community news site called Wikitree, that a fire at a Samsung SDS building in Gwacheon, South Korea is the culprit, but so far we have not been able to verify that.

Photo of Yonhap showing materials of Samsung SDS building is falling off because of fire,.

- Jaehwan Cho 조재환 (@hohocho) April 20, 2014

Samsung's website been down for 3+ hours, and this is the global site. Things are normal, I assume?

- Evan Hindra (@evanhindra) April 20, 2014

헐. 과천 삼성 SDS 건물에 불났네. 사상자가 없었으면 좋겠는데.

- Joshua (@shbaik82) April 20, 2014

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Source: Wikitree,, Is It Down Right Now?

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