Wednesday, April 16, 2014

West Ham United and Selfridges lead scramble for the first .london domains

EMBARGOED TO 1400 WEDNESDAY APRIL 16. EDITORIAL USE ONLY Entrepreneur and Dragon’s Den investor Deborah Meaden, stands in front of an arrangement of flowers during a visit to New Covent Garden Market in southwest London, championing the new Dot London Internet domain. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Wednesday April 16, 2014. Forty business leaders from across London have endorsed the new Dot London Internet domain which businesses can apply for from 29 April 2014. Photo credit should read: Geoff Caddick/PA Wire

After it was decreed that London was next in line to get its own domain name, lots of UK brands and businesses have fallen over themselves to bid for their own piece of the city's virtual real estate. Today, Dot London confirmed some of the companies wanting to show their hometown love, as well as giving Londoners a firm date as to when they can begin registering their own domains. Premiership football club West Ham United and high-end department stores Selfridges and Fortnum and Mason are amongst 40 businesses signed up to roll out new .london websites in the coming weeks, with city dwellers able to follow suit from April 29th. It's still not known how much the new domain will cost regular folk, but Dot London says prices will be set by registrars -- hopefully that means they won't mirror the city's house prices.

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Source: .London

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