Friday, May 30, 2014

Engadget Podcast 399 - 5.30.14

We're taking the elephant in the room for a ride this week and jumping right into Apple's purchase of Beats, including both its Electronics and Music divisions. Since we're back in cramped confines of our NYC "studio," that scenario is more implausible than usual, especially with our guest Edgar Alvarez adding to the head count. Space issues like this may soon be forgotten as Oculus is picking up some heavy hitting partners for expansion of its virtual reality plans. This time it's joined forces with Samsung to work on a mobile device-based platform that plans to put VR into the hands of everyday smartphone users. Ben also chats about his visit to the White House Science Fair, where young minds are delivering some serious research and engineering projects. With our future in good hands and delicious waffles on the horizon, we wish you a happy Friday and leave you with another edition of the Engadget Podcast.

Hosts: Ben Gilbert, Terrence O'Brien

Guest: Edgar Alvarez

Producer: Jon Turi

Hear the podcast:

03:20 - Apple acquires Beats Electronics for $3 billion

20:00 - Samsung is working with Oculus on a media-focused VR headset

42:45 - Exploring the best of the best at this year's White House Science Fair

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Email us: podcast [at] engadget [dot] com

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