Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Future Army helmets make for cooler soldiers, terrified enemies

It's hard to look at the US Army's latest helmet and not think of Halo , but the design does have a purpose beyond gaming chic. Its latest "soldier of the future" concept would not only protect grunts in high heat and humidity, but also shield them from chemical and biological agents. While much bulkier tech already exists for that, such a model would use a fan embedded directly into the filtration system to suck air from the side of the mask and blast it across the nose. Tests done on an M50 gas mask modified with the tech proved it to be just as effective as with bigger units, but more comfortable for GI's during intense drills. The design is just a render for now, but if the army is going to look to video games for design inspiration, we think they should go bigger.

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Via: Pocket Lint

Source: US Army

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