Friday, May 30, 2014

Motorola to close its Moto X plant in Texas by the end of the year

Motorola became part of a growing trend when it opened a plant in Texas to build its flagship Moto X, but just a year on, its now decided to shut down its US manufacturing operations. According to The Wall Street Journal, employee numbers have plummeted from nearly 4,000 when it was in full swing to only 700, and the plan is to close the factory by the end of the year. Motorola's intention was to offset the inherently higher cost of manufacturing in the US, compared with places like China, by being able to get handsets to customers quicker, and manage the Moto Maker customization process on home turf. But, despite churning out 100,000 Moto X's a week at one point and progressively making the handset cheaper, the 'born in the USA' vision hasn't paid dividends.

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Source: The Wall Street Journal


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