Welcome, ladygeeks and gentlenerds, to the new era of gaming. The one where you get to watch, and comment, as other people livestream gameplay from next-gen consoles. Because games! They're fun!
What would you do if you could control your hometown with nothing more than a smartphone? That's what the world of Watch Dogs asks. Here, escaping the cops (and Big Brother) takes a little more than fancy driving skills and sheer firepower; it takes brains and creativity. We've been itching to get our hands on the game since its show-stealing debut back at E3 2012 and now that wait is over -- we'll be streaming live at 4PM PT/7PM ET! Feel like hacking the planet along with us on PS4 before picking up your copy? All it takes is a press of the button below. And if you've already grabbed your copy, let us know what you think of Watch Dogs in the forums; we've set up a thread and everything!
Watch live video from Engadget on www.twitch.tv
Filed under: Gaming, Home Entertainment, HD
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