Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Playdate: We're livestreaming Watch Dogs for PS4!

Welcome, ladygeeks and gentlenerds, to the new era of gaming. The one where you get to watch, and comment, as other people livestream gameplay from next-gen consoles. Because games! They're fun!

What would you do if you could control your hometown with nothing more than a smartphone? That's what the world of Watch Dogs asks. Here, escaping the cops (and Big Brother) takes a little more than fancy driving skills and sheer firepower; it takes brains and creativity. We've been itching to get our hands on the game since its show-stealing debut back at E3 2012 and now that wait is over -- we'll be streaming live at 4PM PT/7PM ET! Feel like hacking the planet along with us on PS4 before picking up your copy? All it takes is a press of the button below. And if you've already grabbed your copy, let us know what you think of Watch Dogs in the forums; we've set up a thread and everything!

Watch live video from Engadget on www.twitch.tv

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