Thursday, June 26, 2014

Damon and Affleck revive 'Project Greenlight' filmmaker search on HBO

We're going to bet that everyone has probably daydreamed of making a movie at least once in their life. To help those Scorsese flights of fancy come true, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck are back in the saddle of HBO's Project Greenlight, the reality series that follows a film project from start to finish. Compared to the show's initial run (in the early 2000s, before options like Red Digital Cinema or YouTube were popular), though, this will be a bit different. The duo (along with a cadre of production talent) is only looking for directors for this season -- scribes need not apply -- and wannabe Finchers must submit their three-minute-or-less clip via the show's Facebook page. Should your sample get accepted, you'll have to endure the typical day-to-day of a director: dealing with prima donna actors and heat from the studio, staying on schedule and hopefully not deviating from the budget. Sound like the gig for you? Then get cracking: the submission window runs from July 24th to August 8th this year.

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Source: Project Greenlight (1), (2)

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