Sunday, June 8, 2014

Feedback Loop: must-play video games, Netflix woes and more

June is here! Let's get this summer started with a fresh edition of Feedback Loop. Kris finds a list of video games we must play before we die; Netflix tries to shame ISPs; Tetris hits the big three-zero and we discuss whether everything announced at WWDC was innovative enough. All that and more past the break!

Must-play video games

Quick, think of a classic video game that someone needs to play at some point in their life. You probably thought of something like Super Mario Bros., Pac-Man or even Tetris. Kris recently found a fun book that listed 1,001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die . There are some classics in there, as well as more obscure stuff. She went through the list and found she's played 120 of them. Head over to the forums to take a gander and then share how many of the games you've played.

Netflix streaming woes

Net neutrality is a complex subject and sometimes it's hard to know which side we should be rooting for. Earlier this year, Netflix signed a deal with Comcast to get more bandwidth. This week, Netflix is publicly shaming Verizon. It's getting messy out there! Have you seen a message from Netflix pinning poorly streamed videos on your ISP?

'Tetris' turns 30!

Speaking of classic games, Tetris hit a crazy milestone as it celebrated its 30th birthday! Have we been meticulously organizing falling blocks that long? John talks about his earliest Tetris memories. I remember sitting in the back of class playing Tetris on my TI-82. What are yours?

Thoughts on WWDC

On Monday, Apple kicked off its World Wide Developers Conference by showing off iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite. We discussed some of the newly announced features and talked about whether or not they were interesting, innovative or uninspiring. What did you think of the announcements?

That's all this week! Do you want to talk about your favorite gadget or have a burning question about technology? Register for an Engadget account today, visit the Engadget forums and start a new discussion!


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