Sure, Star Fox hasn't seen a home console game of his own since the GameCube, but Nintendo has different plans for the Wii U. Time's let word slip that the Big N is releasing a game starring the anthropomorphic space canine. While there aren't many details just yet, players will use the GamePad's motion controls to aim and fire, while controlling their ship Arwing with thumbsticks. And yes, it'll still be able to transform into the land tank. In addition to the tried-and-true roving fortress, Nintendo's baked in a new helicopter-like craft. The aircraft's movements can be controlled by one player, while another takes control of shooting enemies or directing a small robot that drops down and blasts things independently.
In addition to the beloved Fox McCloud, Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto has been hard at work on smaller projects, two of which are called Project Giant Robot and Project Guard. In Project Giant Robot, gamers take the helm of enormous robots and control their torsos using motion controls, while using the GamePad's thumbsticks for punching and grabbing. In the second project, players defend a fortress from baddies by using the GamePad to cycle through posts throughout their base and blasting them to smithereens. The Star Fox title is slated to see the light of day much sooner than these projects, as its still unclear what their final form will be.
[Image credit: Time ]
Source: TIME
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