Friday, June 27, 2014

Google Glass gets no special treatment under UK data collection laws

Google Glass is now available for general consumption in the UK, which means us Brits can start debating all the privacy and legal issues associated with people carting around cameras on their face. In reaction to the wearable's launch, The Information Commissioner's Office -- the independent regulator of data protection, privacy and freedom of information rights -- has decided to clarify exactly how Glass fits into current legislation. And, quite understandably, the spectacles don't have their own set of special rules. Anything you record through Glass for personal, non-commercial use complies with the Data Protection Act, just like using a regular camcorder or taking a picture with your smartphone in a public place. Similarly, companies and other organisations need to comply with all the same rules governing the collection and processing of images and video they do currently.

It makes sense that Glass be treated like any other camera in the eyes of the law, but it'll be an ongoing discussion as to whether the device and ones like it do need special treatment. Some businesses might considering making their own rules, too, as is becoming more common in the US. The UK has also yet to come to a conclusion on the Glassing while driving issue, although previous experience tells us more of a grey area than you might think.

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Source: Information Commissioner's Office


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