Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Live from Google I/O's 2014 opening keynote!

Get ready for two crazy hours of Google awesomeness: I/O's opening keynote is about to begin. This is typically the time for the company to unveil some of its biggest projects and set the tone for the following year. Just two years ago, for instance, co-founder Sergey Brin skydived onto the roof of the venue and biked into the keynote while wearing Google Glass. Whether we'll see anything as adventurous this year remains to be seen, but that's why we liveblog these things -- so you, dear reader, can experience every second of the madness right along with us. So join us right back here at noon (EDT), okay?

June 25, 2014 12:00:00 PM EDT

Hey everyone! It's time for I/O!

So let me tell you a bit about our team. Joining me is esteemed Editor-in-Chief Michael Gorman and esteemed photographer/editor/extraordinaire Zach Honig. Follow us at @phonewisdom @numeson @zachhonig.

But do make sure you're following @engadget, because frankly we may not have much time to tweet during the keynote.

We're in the Moscone Center (West), which is where Apple's and Microsoft's developer conferences were held this year.

BOOM. Folks, get excited... Google's got a huge rube goldberg machine here that I'm pretty sure is the countdown clock. Looking forward to what all the spinning wheels and rolling balls do when the time comes.

The stage is HUGE -- it stretches along the entire side of the ballroom here, and there are multiple stations. There's also a living room-style setup to the right.

Finally, there's a Rube Goldberg machine on the far right side of the stage, which looks like it's being used as a countdown timer.

Good vibe here, some catchy, upbeat tunes of unknown origin playing. All the press is settled, and now the "civilians" are pouring in.

The living room setup looks very similar to what we saw a couple years ago, when the Nexus Q was demoed on stage. In the back we can see a bunch of small Android toys lined up.

Word on the street is that the keynote will last a couple hours, far short of the 3.5 hour marathon from last year.

If you want to tune into the livestream, you can head here:

According to the mystery machine, we're still 9 minutes out from the start of this keynote.

Hugo Barra is just a few feet away from us, and apparently he's a big fan of taking selfies.

Love that Hugo Barra's here. My man's in a T-shirt, wearing a backpack and sporting some two-day stubble. Clearly, he's enjoying not being in charge of the stage presentations today.

The Rube Goldberg machine is equipped with an incredibly loud horn, and it blares at oddly random intervals.

There goes that freaking horn again. Really curious to see what happens when we get to all zeroes on that thing.

Voice of God: We're about to begin. Get ready, y'all!

Four minutes. Get those synchronized watches out.

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