Monday, June 2, 2014

Mortal Kombat X heads to Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC in 2015

Mortal Kombat X

An official teaser for Mortal Kombat X landed on YouTube this morning, which raised as many questions as it answered. Yes, a new installment in the ultra-violent series from Netherrealm Studios is on track for release sometime in 2015. Yes, it's headed to the PlayStation 4, PS3, Xbox One, 360 and PC. And yes, that's Wiz Khalifa bringing his quick-witted lyrics to the original sound track. But what can we say about the game itself? Some of the teaser video almost has an in-game feel to it, with plausible graphics, fantastical moves (including the use of weapons from the environment) and hints of gruesome Sniper Elite-style forensic sequences -- but it's probably all just conceptual at this point. In any case, have a gander for yourself, and be advised that the video isn't for youngsters. But hey, after nine MK titles, you probably guessed that already.

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