Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Moto Stream turns any regular speaker into a shareable Bluetooth one

You'd be forgiven if you looked at the Moto Stream and were immediately reminded of the Nexus Q. But there's a couple of key differences here. One, this does not connect to your TV and two it's only $50. The Stream is a pretty basic accessory that turns any speaker or stereo you already own into a wireless audio system. Not only that, but you can connect up to five phones, tablets or computers to it simultaneously using Bluetooth. If you can't stand that damn Foster the People track your friend insists on looping, you can enter "Heist Mode" and fire up the new Trash Talk record instead. Of course, you probably shouldn't do that too often, since anyone can connect and hijack the stream if they want. (Just imagine how quickly that could deteriorate into a contest over who has the worse taste.) While you can pair it the old fashioned way, there's also NFC inside so you can quickly tap to connect. And it's super tiny, so you can take it with you almost anywhere. You can order it today through Motorola's website, or pick it up at Radio Shack on June 6th.

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Source: Motorola


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