Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Oliver Stone is making his own movie about the Edward Snowden saga

Between W., Nixon, JFK, Born on the Fourth of July and Platoon, it's safe to say that Oliver Stone has a reputation as being a political film-maker. It shouldn't come as a surprise, therefore, to see that the director has signed up to helm a movie based on Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald's exposure of the NSA's PRISM program. The Snowden Files is based upon Luke Harding's account of the story, and will compete with No Place to Hide , which is based on Greenwald's book of the same name. In a statement, Stone said that "this is one of the greatest stories of our time," which explains why we need two films on the same subject -- just like Armageddon and Deep Impact, or Volcano and Dante's Peak, or Mission to Mars and Red Planet, or Mirror/Mirror and Snow White and the Huntsman...

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Source: The Guardian


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