Friday, June 13, 2014

Pic Nix lets you anonymously shame Instagram friends, with some help from a robot (updated)

The blight of oversharing on Instagram is nothing new. Luckily, the image-based social network gives you a very easy solution for cutting out unwanted brunch photos: unfollowing. If you aren't prepared to diss a friend that strongly, though, A&G Labs has a more passive-aggressive option for you. Its Pic Nix website allows you to anonymously tell friends that the selfies and sunsets have to stop.

After you create a message based on 16 "offenses" listed on the website - from vacation shots and pics of kids to #TBT posts - a robot will build and post the image for you. The robot, dubbed Silent B.O.B, posts to Instagram using a stylus paired with an Arduino X-Y plotter to insert and crop the photo, along with a Bluetooth keyboard to type out your caption. Your message is sent out from the @PicNixer account, and the offending friend will get a notification.

Since you can only choose from a list of images and captions, your friend-shaming will probably remain anonymous. The limited choices also prevent your digs from getting too out of hand, which is definitely a good thing. Awesome robot-posting aside, we still might suggest taking a more direct approach with you Instagram intervention.

Update: Well, that was quick. Instagram's shut down the @PicNixer account, effectively bringing the service to a standstill. Head here to see how many photos were nixed before the shutdown. (Hint: It was mostly selfies.)

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Via: The Verge

Source: Pic Nix


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