Monday, June 23, 2014

Tax haven Jersey now wants to become 'Bitcoin Island'

Jersey: Bitcoin Island

There are advantages to being a tiny, self-regulating speck in the English Channel, and the ability to create a "welcoming" financial habitat is certainly one of them. But Jersey has ambitions beyond just being a haven for regular cash. Its Treasury Minister, Senator Philip Ozouf, says he wants the island become a pioneer in the use of crypto-currencies too, and he's backed up a campaign group that is dedicated to the notion of creating the world's first "Bitcoin Isle." The initial goal would be to use Bitcoin as local cash substitute, to pay for things like bus tickets and newspapers. But it's clear that Ozouf has his eyes set on a bigger prize: a Bitcoin banking sector that could make use of Jersey's "infrastructure of world-class financial services" and that would eventually become "central to Jersey's future prosperity." (Read: "STASH YER BITCOINS HERE, LADS!")

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Source: BBC News


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