Thursday, June 12, 2014

The man who made the game in 'Her' is about to release a game you can play

He's fresh to game development, but David O'Reilly has already created a game you likely know very well: the game in Spike Jonze's excellent film, "Her." While that "game" was, ya know, in a film and not a real game, he's just about to release his first actual game in Mountain. O'Reilly describes it as a "mountain simulator" -- he explained to a crowd at Los Angeles' Museum of Contemporary Art this morning that it enables you to "live out all your dark twisted fantasies" of, uh, being a mountain. Okay, so what in the world is happening here? In actuality, it's a game about interacting with a relatively static mountain. Weather changes, music changes, and you can input melodies (via touch on iOS, keyboard on PC/OS X) which alter the state of the world.

Sometimes you push forward time, sometimes you change the weather, sometimes you zoom out into outerspace -- where your mountain lives, apparently! O'Reilly says it'll be out in the next few weeks, and it'll cost "about a dollar."

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