Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Hicon Social Bangle is a wearable fashion bungle

If you waste too much time checking notifications on your phone, don't sweat it -- yet another wearable promises to help you save those countless minutes throughout the day. But if you're already leery of wrist-worn devices, the Hicon Social Bangle, which is undergoing an Indiegogo campaign, won't do anything to change your mind. On the contrary: The Hicon is a awkwardly large bracelet that's lined with enough square charms to remind you of fourth grade. Each charm is interchangeable and represents a different service (SMS, calls) or social network (Facebook, WhatsApp, etc), and they vibrate and light up whenever you get a notification from that particular service.

The Bluetooth 4.0 device has some other uses, too. You can exchange contact information through a simple handshake or fistbump gesture. The leash bracelet also comes with a companion app that notes your location and matches you with other people in the vicinity who have similar social profiles. (If you don't think that's creepy enough, watch the commercial below.)

Hicon promises compatibility with iOS, Android and future Windows Phones. It also comes with an accelerometer, waterproof build, 14-day estimated battery life and a variety of colors, but one thing it can't do is display the time. This means you'd have to wear it along with a watch or pull your phone out of your pocket to check the time -- further negating its primary reason for existing. But if it still sounds like the dream wearable for you, a $49 contribution is all you need to secure one later this fall, pending a successful campaign.

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Source: Indiegogo

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