Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Playdate: We're livestreaming 'The Last of Us: Remastered' on PS4!

Welcome, ladygeeks and gentlenerds, to the new era of gaming. The one where you get to watch, and comment, as other people livestream gameplay from next-gen consoles. Because games! They're fun!

Developer Naughty Dog's post-apocalyptic opus The Last of Us released last June, delivering at least a few punches to the guts of almost everyone who played it on the PlayStation 3. Despite the some 80 million (and counting) PS3's sold worldwide, though, Sony estimates that there's still a bunch of people who haven't experienced the game. So, with no small amount of effort porting it from the PS3, we now have The Last of Us: Remastered on the PlayStation 4. But, let's say you've already played through the game and its downloadable episode on Sony's last-gen console, is it worth double dipping? Join me today at 7 p.m. Eastern / 4 p.m. Pacific as I stream it, and find out. I'll be starting a few hours into the campaign, but bear in mind that there's a very high chance for spoilers, especially if you missed playing the game last year.

Watch live video from Engadget on www.twitch.tv

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Source: Twitch

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