Friday, July 25, 2014

This art project turns primitive smoke signals into ones and zeros

How to come to grips with a world dominated by ubiquitous, but unseen wireless communication? An art installation from the Koln International School of Design aims to give us a feel for the ethereal radio waves we take for granted every day. Binairy Talk , created by Niklas Isselburg and Jakob Killian, uses a sound generator and pulsing device to fire smoke rings at a laser sensor. Those are interpreted by a computer as either ones or zeros, with the resulting messages displayed on a screen. That may seem like a cumbersome way to say "hello," but the idea is to use an ancient, tangible system like smoke signals to "create awareness as to how much data and information constantly surrounds us." High minded concepts aside, it's also pretty cool -- as you can see below.

[Image credit: KISD/Niklas Isselberg]

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Via: Wired

Source: Binairy Talk


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