Even though it has roughly a year until Ofcom's new rule comes into effect, Three has decided it will no longer charge SIM-only customers for making calls to 0800 numbers. The company today unveiled new plans that mirror its pay-monthly handset tariffs, finally making freephone calls free and capping calls to other 08 numbers at 5 pence per minute. Starting at £7 per month for 500MB and 200 minutes, rising to £23 per month for unlimited data and calls, Three's new 12-month SIM-only plans also include access to Feel At Home, letting you enjoy free roaming in 16 countries. While you won't be able to take advantage of the new benefits on your existing tariff, Three says you can switch across without having to sign a new contract or extend your contract end date.
Today's announcement will be gratefully received if you're no longer using a landline, but Three also has another piece of welcome news to share. After scrapping unlimited tethering for new customers earlier in the year, the operator has decided to double the personal hotspot allowance for all-you-can-eat SIM-only plans from 2GB to 4GB. Unfortunately, for those signing up to a new contract when buying a new phone, Three says it won't be increasing the tethering allowance for those customers until sometime "next year."
Source: Three
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