Wednesday, July 30, 2014

UK to let driverless cars loose on roads by January

Anxious to start... not driving in the UK? Though late to the party, the government is set to announce that driverless cars will hit the streets in three UK cities starting in January 2015. To kickstart research, the government also launched a £10 million ($17 million) fund. That follows an announcement that the Department of Transport was hard at work re-coding road laws to accommodate such vehicles. US states followed a similar trajectory back in 2011 by first passing new road laws, then approving self-driving vehicles for road use, accompanied by a human driver. There are now quite a few players in the self-driving game, which only kicked off in earnest once Google jumped in. We've now seen efforts from Volvo, Audi and Google again with its latest button-cute two passenger car. A UK company called MIRA specializing in such vehicles told Sky News that though it had driverless tech, "we lag behind actually getting (it) into some real field trials."

[Image credit: AP/Michael Sohn]

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Via: BBC

Source: Telegraph


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