Friday, August 1, 2014

Ask Ooloo puts the 'person' back in personal assistant

Before Google dominated search, Ask Jeeves depended on a team of humans -- yes, humans -- to answer your internet queries. Ultimately, search algorithms killed the internet's favorite butler, but the idea that humans are worthy competition for the software we create didn't follow him to the grave. Case in point: Ask Ooloo, a digital assistant powered by living, breathing human beings. According to Ooloo's makers, the PPDA (people-powered digital assistant) is staffed with "real people 24/7" ready to offer you quick, localized search results with a personal touch. All you have to do is speak your question, as you would with Google Now, Siri or Cortana, and wait for an answer. We put the iOS app to the test, asking it 'Who invented the Internet?" What it revealed, probably won't shock you.

And seven minutes later someone named Shefali replied: "Al Gore! Just kidding, check this out!" We were then directed HowStuffWorks for a detailed account of its creation. So no, it's not nearly as fast as the automated competition, but it does give you a bit of human-generated sass to accompany its answer. When asked the same question, Siri delivered a very dry, though prompt response via Wolfram Alpha. Considering the fate of Jeeves, we can't say we're confident in Ooloo's staying power. But for now, it's free to download and use via Google Play and Apple's App Store.

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Source: App Store, Google Play


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