Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Apple wants to wean you from Android with its new iPhone guide

Apple is clearly hoping that its bigger iPhones will tempt you to switch from Android. It just launched a migration guide that helps move your stuff into the iOS universe, whether it's a contact list, internet account or media collection. Some of the advice is fairly self-evident; email and social networks should come across without a hitch, and you'll usually find App Store equivalents to any given Android program. You may find a few useful pointers, however, such as using iCloud as a go-between for your important documents.

There's a degree of irony to the guide's frequent use of drag-and-drop file transfers on Android, which isn't strictly possible on iOS; you're taking advantage of a feature that you're ultimately giving up. There's also no mention that the copy-protected content you buy in iTunes (namely books and videos) can't come back to Android if you ever have second thoughts. Still, Apple's tips are proof that you're not locked into any one mobile platform -- it just requires a little elbow grease to make the transition.

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Via: SlashGear

Source: Apple

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