Monday, September 29, 2014

Nixie is a wearable drone that captures your activities on the fly

Remember the dronie? If not, it's a self-taken photograph (sigh, selfie) from a UAV like the Parrot AR Drone 2.0 that provides a bit more creativity than your arm reach allows. Imagine that you can attach that drone to your wrist and launch it instantly, and you have some idea about how the Nixie works. Once aloft, it's designed to detect your presence and fly around you, pointing its camera to film your exploits -- ranging from tourism to mountain climbing, as the video below shows. The project is part of Intel's Make it Wearable contest, and uses an Edison chip to track you and avoid obstacles. For now, it's just a delicate prototype that can fly off your wrist and not do much else. But it's scored a $50,000 finalist prize from Intel, meaning our dream of having aerial footage of all our hum-drum activities could finally come true -- yes, we are that vain.

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Via: Hot Hardware

Source: Nixie


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