Monday, October 20, 2014

Apple's iOS 8.1 update is waiting for you to download it

Well, it's Monday, and that can only mean one thing: Apple's iOS 8.1 update has finally gone live for your installing pleasure. To recap, the new software - which is debuting just over a month since iOS 8 first hit - brings back once-trashed favorites like the Camera Roll, and strengthens the connection between your iPhone and Yosemite-powered Mac with features like SMS handoff and the uber-impressive Instant Hotspot. Perhaps most importantly, Apple Pay's launching today too: once you've installed 8.1 and set everything up, you'll be able to trudge down to your local Walgreen's (along with a horde of other participating retailers) to pay for your contact solution and Haribo gummies with your phone. If that sounds like a good time, all you need to do is pop into your iPhone's settings and jump into the Software Update menu - the 126MB file should be ready and waiting for you.

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