The anti-piracy road hasn't played out easy for Google, to the point where past claims have stated that the company's efforts simply aren't working. But Google says it's doing everything it can to combat piracy across its services, of which Search is likely the most important one -- at least to copyright holders. With this in mind, the technology giant has released an updated version of its document "How Google Fights Piracy," in which it dives into detail about what steps it's taking to crack down on pirated content. Google says this includes new ad formats in search results, such as what's pictured above; improved downranking of known delinquent sites; and removing more autocomplete predictions based on DMCA takedown notices. Part of it is also pointing people to trusted sources when searching for music or movies, including services like the Play store or Spotify -- Google plans to do this only in the US for now, but the idea is to make it a global feature at some point in the future.
Source: Google
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