Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Netflix will pay you to take Instagram photos of famous movie locations

Ever felt that your Instagram photography is so good that you should start charging for it? Now's your chance to prove your worth. Netflix is looking for three professional Instagram shooters (aka "Grammasters") that will travel across the continental US snapping square photos of "iconic" movie and TV show locations to drum up attention for the streaming movie service. All you have to do to apply is share three of your best shots by October 7th. The gig only lasts for two weeks, so you won't want to quit your day job -- and it's safe to say that you won't have as much creative control as you'd probably like. However, you'll be paid $2,000 a week with all travel expenses covered. That's not too shabby for something you were already doing for free.

[Image credit: Andrew Burton/Getty Images]

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Source: Netflix


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