Thursday, October 30, 2014

Next Thursday you can ask Mark Zuckerberg anything


"When so many other features of the site have changed, why is Poking still a thing?" That's the question I'd ask Mark Zuckerberg if I ever had the chance. And next week, I might get an answer. Just about anyone could get a query answered by the Facebook CEO, actually, when he holds the first community question and answer session on the site. Writing on his profile (naturally), he says that this is an extension of weekly Q&As that let employees pick his brain about everything from current events to the company's direction. Zuck says he'll try to get through as many questions as possible in an hour, and the whole shebang will even be livestreamed on its Event page sometime next Thursday.

Want to make sure he sees yours? Leave it as a comment on the Event page and start a Liking campaign -- from the sounds of it, only the top questions will get answered. Over 2,000 questions have been posted since the note went live, so you'd better start rallying your pals if you hope to stand out.

[Image credit: AFP/Getty Images]

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Source: Q&A With Mark Facebook), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)


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