Recommended Reading highlights the best long-form writing on technology and more in print and on the web. Some weeks, you'll also find short reviews of books that we think are worth your time. We hope you enjoy the read.
A Rare Look at Design Genius Jony Ive: The Man Behind the Apple Watch
by Robert Sullivan,
The man behind much of Apple's design doesn't often open up for interviews, butfollwoing Cupertino's Watch reveal, much of the focus has been on the fashion-minded. That said, Jony Ive offered Vogue a bit more on the upcoming wrist-worn device and his aesthetic mindset as a whole -- right down to things like the sound a watch band makes as it closes.
The Goodell Blackout We've detailed the FCC no longer protecting the NFL's long-standing blackout policy, but that's just one of the issues that Commissioner Roger Goodell faces at the moment. This piece from Grantland discusses the US government's recent chatter on the league. | This is How You Build the Scariest Video Game Monster Ever Alien: Isolation is due to hit consoles and PC next week, and the creature you'll need to keep at bay in order to survive is frightening. After you read up on their origins, head over to Joystiq for the full review. |
Innovation Nation: Las Vegas This multi-part series details the $350 million project backed by Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh that's transforming downtown Las Vegas and looking to build a startup haven. If you've yet to read up on the whole thing, this is a great place to start. | What It's Like to Build a Startup in Gaza as the Bombs Drop By now, you've likely read a bit about the ongoing unrest in Gaza, but a group of entrepreneurs is still hard at work to bring innovation to the area. Wired offers a look at what startup life is like amidst the disorder. |
[Photo credit: LOIC VENANCE/AFP/Getty Images]
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