Sony may not have launched its small-yet-potent Xperia Z3 Compact smartphone through a US carrier, but it just delivered the next best thing. The tech firm has started selling an unlocked version of the Z3 Compact on its American online store for $530. It's virtually identical to what Sony launched in Europe, complete with a 4.6-inch display, speedy Snapdragon 801 chip and 20.7-megapixel camera, but it packs native LTE data support for AT&T, T-Mobile and other US carriers that share their frequencies. You can even get it in bright orange or seafoam green if black or white seems too drab. You'll still have to spring for the full-size Z3 or Z3v if you want Sony's latest tech without paying the full cost up front, but this could easily fit the bill (and your pocket) if you have the cash to spend.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Sony, AT&T, T-Mobile
Source: Sony Store
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