Thursday, October 30, 2014

Tell us how you really feel about the iPhone 6 Plus and Galaxy Note 4

Sure, smartphones have been getting larger and larger every year. And for those who really want to go big, large-screen "phablet" Android phones have risen to fill the demand. But iPhone users who wanted a larger screen have always been left wanting -- until last months' release of the iPhone 6 Plus, that is. The 5.5-inch screen makes it the largest iPhone yet, but can it compete with Samsung's Galaxy Note 4 flagship? Now that both devices have been available for a while, we want to know how you, our readers, feel about your big-screen phone. Do you like having more screen real estate? Does the extra 0.2 inch on the Galaxy Note 4 make a difference? How do your favorite apps look on the 6 Plus? Is the stylus on the Note 4 still a draw? If you switched to Android for a big phone, have you switched back to iOS? You read our reviews; now we want to read yours. Leave a user review on the product pages for the iPhone 6 Plus or the Galaxy Note 4 detailing your unique experiences, and we'll be featuring the very best comments about both devices in an upcoming post.

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