Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The BBC can now tell you when your favourite artists are playing live

Songkick Gig

While Songkick's live event listings are already featured in some of the most popular music services on the planet, none are as illustrious as the BBC. To help the Beeb with the giant task of cataloging and listing every artist that appears on one of its TV or radio programmes, Songkick has been brought in to do what it does best: supply BBC Music's new performer pages with every upcoming concert across the UK. The good news is that the startup doesn't just catalog A-list events, meaning you'll be able to follow upcoming artists as they perform their first gigs. To access the BBC's new Songkick-powered concert listings, head on over to the new BBC Music and simply select the artist you want to see (or just download the official Songkick app).

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Via: Songkick Blog

Source: BBC Music

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