Thursday, November 13, 2014

Amazon and Hachette call a truce in their e-book pricing war

Well, that was anticlimactic. Online retail titan Amazon and the publisher Hachette have been sniping at each other for months over because they couldn't see eye to eye on how e-books should cost. Now, just when it seemed like the war would stretch out even longer, both sides have announced that they've brokered a peace in the Great Book War of 2014. The most frustrating part? Neither side seems willing to disclose the juicy details of the deal, though the official PR blast mentions that Hachette "will have responsibility for setting consumer prices of its ebooks, and will also benefit from better terms when it delivers lower prices for readers" once the terms of the agreement take effect in early 2015.

This is a developing story, please refresh for updates.



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