Monday, November 10, 2014

At long last, you can fix all your Instagram caption flubs

We've seen too many clever quips on Instagram marred by a typo or a malformed emoticon - if you've fouled up a caption or eight in your time, you'd better download Instagram's latest update. At long last, those of you whose fingers move fasters than your eyes can go back an edit your captions so as to look as smart as you always thought you were. The rest of the update consists of minor tweaks to how you discover new Instaphotographers to follow: you'll be able to dig around in a new People tab for new sources of content (as opposed to just sifting through a stream of overly filtered photos), while the app's search box now returns suggestions for users and hashtags as you're pecking them out. The update has already started to hit the Facebook subsidiary's iOS and Android apps today, which means that Windows Phone owners can probably expect to fix their flubs some time after the sun swells up into a red giant and engulfs the inner half of the solar system.

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Source: Instagram Blog


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