If you've just about had enough of those annoying online quizzes you keep seeing on Facebook, well the social network has just introduced a new way for you to stop seeing them. Now when you select to hide a story (which you can do by hitting the arrow on the top right), you can also request to see less from that person or Page. Or, if you so choose, you can unfollow them entirely. Additionally, there's also a new News Feed setting that'll show you the top people, Pages and Groups that have popped up in your feed in the past week. You can then unfollow them if you want, or re-follow the folks that you've unfollowed in the past. Both features are available on desktop today. As for mobile, the latter News Feed setting is ready today, while the former "see less" feature will be available in coming weeks. Thankfully, even after you've unfollowed your buddy's posts, your Facebook friendship will still remain intact.
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