There's been a few signs that not all is well in Samsung's mobile division, with the company pledging to make fewer new devices, as well as its chief taking a pay cut. If the Wall Street Journal is to be believed, the cause of this unrest is all down to faltering sales of the Galaxy S5, which has apparently sold four million fewer phones than its predecessor. According to the report, the company is still riding high in the US, but saw sales in China drop by 50 percent compared to the Galaxy S4. Considering that Samsung was so confident that the device would be a blockbuster that it increased production by 20 percent, it could now have as many a four million unsold devices sitting in warehouses. The paper's sources believe that the drops will trigger a leadership re-shuffle, with mobile chief JK Shin getting pushed, with his duties handed over to TV & home appliance chief BK Yoon.
Filed under: Cellphones, Samsung
Via: The Verge
Source: Wall Street Journal
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