Just about this time last year, the folks at YouTube took over Pier 36 in Manhattan to put on an hour-and-a-half-long awards show to celebrate the musicians that blew up the internet in 2013. It was... alright at best (unless you really like watching grown men rummaging through cakes), but despite over 50 million views on the show video itself, the live stream almost definitely didn't blow up the way the people in charge hoped it would. Ouch. YouTube was fond enough of the idea to take another stab at it, but thankfully this time the company's dropping that tired, ancient (not to mention expensive) awards show format.
When the Music Awards roll around again in March 2015, there won't be a stage show component at all -- instead, the video giant's planning to highlight nominees with "new and unique music video collaborations with top directors" which fans will apparently have a hand in creating in the lead up to the event. As always, you'll be able to vote for your favorite artists too, though we're not sure when yet. YouTube's promising to hit us all with more detail in December and January, so get cracking on your list of nominees -- if Octagon vs. Masked Hexagon doesn't somehow qualify for something, your author's gonna pitch a fit. And in the meantime, feel free to relive the awkward glory of last year's show below.
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