Friday, December 12, 2014

Netflix is now much better on Virgin Media TiVo boxes

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It's been more than a year since Netflix first came to Virgin Media TiVo boxes, and in that time the experience has remained largely the same. However, with Christmas fast approaching, the quad-play provider has finally decided to take some action. It's snuck in a new update that gives you many of the features you may already enjoy on your smartphone, tablet or set-top box. These include profiles, which support up to five individual users, recommendations from your Facebook friends, the ability to play a previously-watched film or TV episode from the beginning (instead of just resuming) and an option to view all episodes from all seasons of your favourite programme in a single list. Virgin Media also says the app is a touch faster, letting you slip between live TV and streaming a touch faster than before (if you have an account, that is).

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Via: Virgin Media

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