Friday, December 12, 2014

Nintendo's making millions on Amiibos and other companies want in

It turns out that there's another reason for Nintendo's Amiibo character shortage: they're selling like crazy, and now third-party games are using them too. Nintendo said that it's sold over 700,000 of the figurines, as many as its best-selling Super Smash Bros. title. Third-party publisher Bandai Namco is also supporting the NFC-enabled characters for costume unlocks in its One Piece: Super Grand Batle! X on 3DS, making it the first non-Nintendo game to use Amiibo. Nintendo added that Wii U November sales were up 90 percent over last year, and that the console recently had it's biggest week since it launched in 2012.

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Via: Games Industry Biz

Source: Nintendo

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