Saturday, December 20, 2014

Recommended Reading: The life and death of 'The Colbert Report'

Recommended Reading highlights the best long-form writing on technology and more in print and on the web. Some weeks, you'll also find short reviews of books that we think are worth your time. We hope you enjoy the read.

President Obama Tapes An Interview For The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert

Stephen Colbert Is Dead. Long Live Stephen Colbert

by Will Leitch, Bloomberg

Thursday night's episode marked the end of a nine-year run for the The Colbert Report. Don't worry though, the show's namesake is taking over for David Letterman in 2015, but until then, take a look back at what made Stephen Colbert's overly conservative hijinks so darn compelling. As Bloomberg's Will Leitch puts it, "The politics were (sometimes, though less and less as the show aged) the canvas, but the comedy was always the paint."

The Ultimate 'Serial' Think Piece, Written by Someone Who Has Never Listened to 'Serial'

by Brian Phillips, Grantland

What's that? You haven't listened to a single episode of that popular Serial podcast? Neither has Grantland's Brian Phillips, but that didn't stop him from penning a reaction to each installment.


Why Wearables Should Be Free

by Hans Neubert, Fast Company

Frog's creative chief makes a case not only for companies giving away their wearable devices, but also for paying users for the data they collect. A failure to do so, he argues, could prevent widespread adoption from ever taking root.


Exclusive Q&A: Deezer's New Chief Marketing Officer Aims for U.S. Market

Glenn Peoples, Billboard

Deezer arrived stateside recently, but competing against the likes of Spotify, Rdio and Pandora will be an uphill climb. Here's a glimpse at how the company plans to do it.


The Business Insider Interview: Jeff Bezos

by Henry Blodget, Business Insider

Amazon's CEO opens up about the "millions of failures" he's made at the company, and how both successes and stumbles have turned the online retailer into the juggernaut it is today.


[Photo credit: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images]

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