China spent the bulk of 2014 throwing shade at American technology companies, saying that the NSA was using Windows 8, IBM servers and iPhones for espionage. It appears that Tim Cook is bored of the abuse, and is prepared to let the country's security experts poke inside iOS to prove Apple's gear is secure. According to the Beijing News , Chinese officials met with the CEO in December to reach a deal which will allow the State Council Information Office check for backdoors.
China is one of the biggest markets for Apple, and demand for iPhones is so high that an individual was recently caught trying to smuggle 94 of them into the country by taping them to his body. The company has always denied that any of its devices can be used for espionage, and refuses to hand data over to governments. That's why it's no surprise to see the normally secretive company opening up in order to protect this particular golden goose. Of course, we understand the concern. China clearly takes espionage very seriously.
Filed under: Cellphones, Apple
Via: The Telegraph
Source: Beijing News (Translated)
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