Friday, January 23, 2015

Crapgadget purveyor Skymall is filing for bankruptcy

Creepy Zombie crawling out of the ground. Life-size. From

You'd be forgiven for thinking that Skymall, the ubiquitous in-flight magazine featuring things you'd only buy when drunk on tiny liquor bottles and jet lag, was already dead. Well, it's alive -- but it appears not for much longer. Skymall has just filed for bankruptcy, the Wall Street Journal reports. Its killer? You guessed it: Internet access and more gadgets on planes. The wider availability of in-flight Wi-Fi "resulted in additional competition from e-commerce retailers and additional competition for the attention of passengers, all of which further negatively impacted SkyMall's catalog sales," said CEO Scott Wiley. Guess you'll just have to get your day of the week clocks and zombie garden statues elsewhere.

[Photo credit: Shozu/Flickr]

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Source: Wall Street Journal


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