Saturday, January 17, 2015

Recommended Reading: A closer look at the 2015 Oscar nominations

Recommended Reading highlights the best long-form writing on technology and more in print and on the web. Some weeks, you'll also find short reviews of books that we think are worth your time. We hope you enjoy the read.

Breaking Down the Oscar Nominations: What the Hell Happened to 'Selma'?

by Mark Harris

Unless you took a week off from the internet, you're well aware that this year's Oscar nominations were announced a few days ago. While Selma did earn nominations for Best Picture and Best Song, the film that depicts Martin Luther King Jr.'s marches from Selma, Alabama, to Montgomery in 1965 was mentioned only twice. Grantland's Mark Harris takes a closer look at the full list to see what other categories should've included Ava DuVernay's picture.

Gaming While Black: Casual Racism to Cautious Optimism

by Jessica Conditt, Joystiq

Joystiq's Jessica Conditt takes a look at the current landscape of racism as it applies to gaming, and how folks are starting to challenge established narratives in favor of more diversity.


Netflix Binges and the New Tech Utopia

by Greg Ferenstein, The Atlantic

The Atlantic's Greg Ferenstein examines the current state of a so-called utopia of automation, robots and less work for humans -- and whether or not it's what countless economists through the years thought it would be.


SpaceXtasy: Elon Musk, Falcon 9, and the Legacy of Rocket Scientist/Occultist Jack Parsons

Molly Lambert, Grantland

Elon Musk's space aspirations are chronicled on Engadget regularly, but Grantland's Molly Lambert considers ties between the SpaceX CTO and rocket scientist/occultist Jack Parsons.


Breaking Madden: The Touchdown Tom Trilogy Concludes

by Jon Bois, SB Nation

"Never count out Touchdown Tom," is a phrase that Jon Bois holds to, no matter the odds. So in the most recent episode of "Breaking Madden," he tested the theory by putting 11 Tom Brady clones on the field at once for the New England Patriots to face 11 giants.


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