Friday, January 23, 2015

Scientists successfully implant self-destructing nanobots into live mice

We've seen nanobots do some neat stuff so far (aquatic dance routines immediately come to mind), but them administering drugs inside a living organism's been the stuff of scientists' dreams. Researchers at the University of California San Diego, however, recently made it a reality by successfully administering acid-powered, zinc-based, self-destructing micromotors inside living mice. The ultra-tiny 'bots measured in at 20 micrometers long, roughly a human hair's width, and are tough enough to survive the harsh gastrointestinal environment autonomously. What's more, they destroy themselves without leaving any traces of harmful chemicals behind and being self-propelled apparently was a factor in "greatly improved" tissue penetration and drug retention. As the BBC points out, this would make them great for treating maladies like peptic ulcers and other stomach disorders.

The Triton scientists admit that there's still a long way to go before we see this tech outside of the lab, but say that this represents a critical first step to getting there. In the meantime, we're just wondering if Dennis Quaid and Martin Short aware that Innerspace is now one step closer to reality.

[Image credit: Getty Images]

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Via: Slashdot

Source: ACS


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