Monday, January 5, 2015

Wellograph 2.0 adds sleep tracking to the stylish activity tracker

Wellograph's stylish, yet flawed activity tracker was one of the first wearables with a sapphire crystal display. Not one to rest upon its laurels, however, the company has spent the last few months revamping both the Wellograph's operating system and companion app for 2015. New features include sleep tracking, body readiness analysis and the unit will even identify how stressed you feel when your boss demands some TPS reports. In addition, there's a new social aspect that'll let you compete with your friends and enemies.

If you were hoping that the Wellograph hardware itself would be getting a tweak, you're going to be disappointed. The company has decided to concentrate on improving last year's hardware with software tweaks, with one exception. This year sees the introduction of two new colors to the range: pink gold and white pearl, alongside a raft of new strap choices for better personalization.

We've spent some time with the Wellograph over the last year, and found it to be excellent but a little too buggy for regular use. Here's hoping that the company has devoted enough of its effort into improving the stability and usability of the device to the extent that it can finally be taken seriously as a fitness watch that's worthy of its rivals.

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